C-Lex Studio Legale is member of the International Financial Litigation Network, an organization of primary international law firms dealing with financial and commercial litigation
Category Archives: Pubblicazioni e Membership
American Chamber of Commerce in Italy
C-Lex Studio Legale is member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy (AmCham) which is a private, non profit-making organization, which is affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C., the American Commercial Association composed of more than three million member companies. AmCham is also a founding member of the European Council of American Chambers of Commerce, the organization which protects free trade between the European Union and the United States.
The Lawyer Network
C-Lex Studio Legale is member of The Lawyer Network, an organization of business lawyers practicing internationally in several areas of law.
Manual on European Union Law.
Prof. Antonio M. Calamia, Manual on European Union Law. Giuffrè 2015 (8th ed.)
Drafting Legal Documents in plain english
Jean Steadman, Drafting Legal Documents in plain english. Giuffrè 2013.